Abstract This article presents a practice used to implement systems change regarding the improvement of electronic and information technology (E&IT) access in the K-12 educational environment. The project is funded by the National Institute on Disability Rehabilitation and Research of the U.S. Department of Education as part of its initiative to promote the acquisition and use of accessible information technology in elementary through postsecondary education institutions. The project engages in simultaneous top-down and bottom-up activities to educate stakeholders and demonstrate accessible E&IT within and between the state government educational agency and public schools. The top-down endeavor includes establishing legislation on accessibility and working with the public education department’s technology staff in creating compliance policy and practices for public schools. The bottom-up approach includes establishing memorandums of understanding with certain districts as demonstration projects where accessibility is assessed and an improvement plan is developed and implemented.
by :Karen Peterson
Accessible Electronic and Information Technology CoordinatorDisability Law Resource Project/ New Mexico Technology Assistance Program
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